Blessings to you in perfect name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

The Bible says in Psalm 25:14 "The 'secret' of the Lord is with them that fear Him and He will show them His covenant."

The word 'secret' means, things that are whispered, spoken in the intimacy of the bed chamber. There are things that are shouted, things that are shared among friends, things that are shared around family. But then there are things that are whispered in the bed chamber that are not for everyone's ears to hear...

This is what the word 'secret' means. God has things to say to us that He will not shout out in general places...things that He will not speak out loud in a company of strangers, guests, or even around the table...but only in the place of intimacy.

David said that God reveals these secret things to those who FEAR Him. The more you learn the FEAR of the LORD, the more intimate you become with Him and then He begins to reveal the 'secret' things...things not spoken to just any one...There are things that we say to our boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, that we will not say to anyone else; it is reserved for them alone. Fear of the Lord causes God to say things to us, reveal things to us that are not spoken to just anyone nor can it be. OH, hallelujah!

Pastor Paul Ellis